Men on the Move is an 8-12 week physical activity programme aimed specifically at men over 35.

We delivered 5 Men on the Move programmes across 3 different locations in 2023 – Shannon, Kilrush and Ballyvaughan.

Sports Hub

Participants attended 2 weekly beginner gym sessions as part of the programme.

This move-at-your-own-pace programme was the ideal opportunity to encourage individuals back into fitness or help participants increase their physical activity level.

76 men took part in our Men on the Move programmes in 2023. Some even continue to go to the gym themselves as a result of attending the programme.

Sports Hub

This was the opportunity I needed to get back into fitness. Over ten years have passed since I retired from football, and I was new to the gym setting; as a result of participating, I am now a member and attend 3 times weekly.

Men on the Move participant

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