Cullaun Sailing Club will host a Try Sailing day in July where we will help you to go out on Cullaun Lake for no charge. The activities will be either on a powerboat or sailing in a dinghy. Whether you’ve never sailed before, or would like to return to sailing after a break, we’re here to help you get out on the water, and where you can get started.


Cullaun Sailing Club is a welcoming mixed fleet dinghy club in a great location. It is an Irish Sailing Accredited Training Center for Kids Summer Camps. The club are providing Adult Sailing Training and TRY SAILING days throughout the sailing season for all ages. The club provide members mixed fleet club racing and regattas, perfect for learning in a fun and friendly social environment.

Formed in 1979, nestled among the trees on the shore of Lough Cullaunyheeda in east Co. Clare, Cullaun Sailing Club are an Irish Sailing accredited Training Center and follow the relevant national syllabus for Kids Easter and Summer Camps. The club runs weekly club racing for seasoned sailors of all ages, competition is fierce. Member’s regularly compete in regattas around Ireland and abroad. If You want a bit of adventure and get in touch with the elements, why not give sailing a Try.

Minimum age: 12 years old

Where: Cullaun Sailing Club, (eircode: V95 HH6A)

Date/Time: Sunday afternoon, July 16th from 2:00pm (Duration 1 hour)

Cost: FREE

Register:  Book here

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