Clare Local Sports Partnership is a private company, limited by Guarantee governed by a Board of Directors. The Board of Directors takes overall legal responsibility for the work of CLSP. Acting collectively the Board must ensure the company is appropriately managed, is solvent, and achieving its objectives.
Chairperson – Mr. Tim Forde, Clare Co Co
Secretary – Sgt. Deirdre O’Doherty, An Garda Síochána
Treasurer – Mr. Eoin Hogan, PPN
Directors – Cllr. Joe Garrihy, Clare Co Co – Cllr. Joe Killeen, Clare Co Co – Ms. Anne Hayes, Clare GAA – Dr. Paul McKenna, HSE –  Mr. Jim Madden – Clare & District Soccer League – Ms Ann Norton, LCETB

Annual Report 2020 – Clare LSP – Annual Report 2020

Annual Report 2021 – Clare LSP – Annual Report 2021

Annual Report 2022 – Clare LSP – Annual Report 2022



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