
Our safeguarding courses continue to take place each month with our next one being January 29th. These are delivered via Zoom and are classified as face-to-face courses. Each course is 3 hours long and take place from 6pm-9pm in the evening. It is of utmost importance that all club coaches hold a valid safeguarding qualification. We also offer safeguarding 2 and safeguarding 3 courses designed for child protection officer and designated liaison persons respectively. If you have any questions re safeguarding please get in touch.

Season Of Respect

The Season of Respect campaign aims to help raise awareness and tackle the ongoing problem of abuse towards referees and officials in County Clare. 

It has become apparent on both a national and local level, that the volume of abuse towards officials and referees, across all sports and age grades, is extremely concerning. There is a crucial requirement to improve the levels of respect owed to such critical stakeholders of sport in County Clare.

Clubs are asked to have 3 members of the club (i.e. club executive, adult player or head coach and children’s officer or coaching/ development officer) available to attend the information session. This is a 90 minute zoom call and all 3 people do not have to attend the same meeting, they can join on different dates. Upon completion of the level 1 course your club will receive a Season of Respect banner and 2 promotional poster boards. 

Our next Season of Respect course takes place via zoom on February 27th. Each person who wishes to attend the course must complete the form by clicking the button below. 

Healthy Clubs 

We are here to help! We would love for clubs to reach out to us to collaborate on running Healthy Clubs initiatives. Whether it is inspiration or guidance on running programmes we can offer support to all clubs. Our goal is to increase physical activity participation across the entire community, with clubs playing a central role in this effort. For more information on this please contact me directly at mary@claresports.

Women In Sport Week 

Women in Sport Week takes place this year from March 3rd to March 9th. We are looking to partner with clubs to run events for teen and adult females across the county. If your club would be willing to collaborate for taster sessions for your sport or female coaching initiatives please let me know. We also want to put a short video series together highlighting females in sport, both athletes and coaches. If your club has anyone interested in taking part we would love to hear from you!

Her Moves Teen Girls Wellness Event 

We want to say a massive thank you to all the girls, coaches, parents and teachers who attended our recent teen girls wellness event. The girls got taken through a mindfulness and breathwork workshop with Jenny Grace, they talked all things sports recovery with Sinead Hogan who demonstrated various recovery techniques, Grainne Travers had an interactive section where the girls learned all about sports nutrition and some even took part in the cooking demonstration and we finished up learning about the benefits of strength training and keeping your mind well with Chloe Morey. We were delighted to have the national Her Moves team there on the day to chat to the girls. You can catch highlights of the day on our social media pages. 

Active Clubs

In our active clubs section this month we want to highlight the amazing work done by Ennis Hockey Club. They run hockey training for both youths and adults each week in the Planet Entertainment Centre. They also offer hockey training for people with disabilities through their inclusive hockey group. At the moment they are running social hockey for adults on Thursday evenings from 6pm-7pm. For more information please contact

In an effort to raise vital funds for the club they are hosting a fundraiser at the moment to win a brand new ford Kuga, with tickets for just €25. See attached poster below for details. 

If your club wishes to be featured in our active clubs section please reach out to us –

We are always looking for clubs to partner with to run community initiatives so if you have anything in mind to that you would like our help with delivering please contact


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