Education and Training

In this page you will find our latest offerings for education and training. If you have any queries, please phone Trish Blake on 065 6865434 or email

Our Education and Training Courses Explained.

 1. Safeguarding 1

All Coaches, Children’s Officers and Designated Liaison Persons (DLP) must first complete the 3 hour Child Welfare & Protection Basic Awareness Course.  This course educates participants on the implementation of best practice in protecting the welfare of children involved in sport. 

If you have preciously completed Safeguarding you can click here to access Sport Ireland Online Safeguarding 1 Refresher Information

 2Safeguarding 2 – Club Children’s Officer (C.C.O)

Club Children’s Officers

Club Children’s Officers should be child centred in focus and have as the primary aim the establishment of a child centred ethos within the club. S/he is the link between the children and the adults in the club. S/he also takes responsibility for monitoring and reporting to the Club Management Committee on how club policy impacts on young people and Sports Leaders

A person appointed to the Club Children’s Officer position in a club must have completed safeguarding 1 (Child Welfare & Protection Basic Awareness workshop) and should complete the Club Children’s Officer 3 hour workshop. This course will help the Club Children’s Officer to carry out the function of their role in the club and support the implementation of best practice in the club. Participants will also receive a Club Children’s Officer Action Planning document as part of the training.

3. Safeguarding 3 – Designated Liaison Person(DLP)

Designated Liaison Person

Every club/organisation should designate a person to be responsible for dealing with any concerns about the protection of children. The Designated Liaison Person is responsible for reporting allegations or suspicions of child abuse to TUSLA Child and Family Agency or Social Services (NI) and/or An Garda Siochán / PSNI. It is recommended that this person is a senior club person. However, if there is difficulty identifying a separate individual to take this role, the Club Children’s Officer can be appointed as Designated Liaison Person once the club/organisation is clear about the responsibilities of each role. The organisation’s child protection policy and procedures should include the name and contact details of the Designated Liaison Person and the responsibilities attached to the role.

A person appointed to the Designated Liaison Person position in a club must have completed the Child Welfare & Protection Basic Awareness Course and should complete the Designated Liaison Person 3 hour workshop. A club may appoint the same person to both the CCO and DLP positions however best practice advises that they are kept as separate roles.



These courses are ideal for anyone who is involved in sporting organisations either as a coach or club volunteer in county Clare. The courses deal with common sporting injuries such as strains and sprains to the rare and more serious injuries such as spinal injuries and cardiac arrest.

Course Content:

  • Safe accident scene management
  • Correct Procedure for calling the emergency services
  • Circulation, wounds and bleeding
  • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation for Adult and Child Introduction to defibrillators (CPR)
  • Unconsciousness including head injuries such as concussion.
  • Fractures, Sprains, Strains and Dislocations
  • Diabetes, Epilepsy and Asthma and Concussion
  • Spinal Injuries

Qualification Achieved:

All successful candidates will receive a CFR certificate from PHECC and an Emergency Sports First Aid Certificate from Safe-T-Group

Cost €15

**As part of our ongoing commitment to club development, this is a subsidised cost.

If you have registered and are unable to attend your chosen course, 72 hours notice must be given in order to be eligible for a refund.

t11 Xcessible Award

Clare Sports Parnership are presently taking part in a National pilot programme where we are trying to attain a Bronze Ribbon in the Xcessible award process. Clare are one of 3 LSP’s and 3 NGB’s to deliver this pilot programme in 2020.

Xcessible is a four staged resourced pathway designed to support an LSP or NGB in the area of Inclusion and will support them through the process of developing and increasing their capacity to support people with disabilities to be active in their sport in terms of participation, coaching, volunteering and officiating. Xcessible has been developed using the Sports Inclusion Disability Charter as a guiding tool. The LSP will be guided through each stage of the journey under the headings of Openness, People, Activities, Facilities and Promotion.

As we work through the objectives we will be engaging with you our members in this process. To find more about Xcessible and Sports Inclusion Disability Charter please click the following Bronze Level Objectives Outline.

Sports Inclusion Disability Charter

You can view the Sports Inclusion Disability Charter here.

Disability Awareness Training

This 2hr workshop is designed to build awareness around people with disabilities participating in community sport and physical activity. On completion of the course all attendees will receive a Cara Certificate of Attendance endorsed by Sport Ireland.The course covers the following key areas:

  • Understanding Disability
  • Perceptions
  • Language & Terminology
  • Communication & Etiquette
  • Barriers to participation
  • Inclusion – Introduction to TREE and Continum Models
  • Where to go from here

The course is designed to be interactive in nature and is approximately 90 minutes in duration which includes time for questions and feedback at the end of the webinar.
Training is provide free of charge.

Upcoming Disability Awareness Training courses

Monday October 11th from 8pm to 9.30pm via ZOOM – Register HERE:


November 1st from 8pm to 9.30 pm via ZOOM-Register HERE:




Disability Inclusion Training
Clare Sports Partnership has a comprehensive inclusive sports programme, under the leadership of James Murrihy, ours Sports Inclusion Disabilty Officer. Funding for the programme is received from Sport Ireland and we work under the guidance of the CARA APA Centre.

Disability Inclusion Training Course

This is an introduction level course designed to give participants ideas and inspiration to adapt their Sport, Physical Activity and Physical Education sessions to make them more accessible and inclusive for children and adults with disabilities.

This course has been designed for a range of audiences including National Sports Organisations, Coaches, Sports Development Officers, Volunteers, Lecturers, Students, Principals, Teachers, SNAs, Administrative staff, Leisure Personnel, Parents or anyone who has an interest in making sport accessible for all.

Unlike the PALS training, Care PALS is designed for individuals who are working proffesionally with older adults in care settings. Care PALs training is delivered over two full days.

Go for Life is the National Programme for Sport and Physical Activity for Older People. It is an Age & Opportunity Initiative funded and supported by Sport Ireland. Go for Life has worked in partnership with Local Sports Partnerships and HSE Health Promotion offices since 2001, to empower older people not only to be more physically active themselves but also to lead their peers in physical activity by training as PALs (Physical Activity Leaders).

Go for Life has seen a dramatic increase in requests to take part in Physical Activity Leaders workshops from those working in both day and residential care settings. Because PALs workshops are designed to meet the needs of independent older adults we felt that they were not meeting all the needs of those working in care settings. So we’ve developed a specific adaptation of the workshops called CarePALs. CarePALs aims to empower those working in day and residential care settings to lead suitable physical activities with older people who live in or visit their setting. This means that physical activity sessions can be delivered by staff and therefore included as part of the daily or weekly routine without cost to the care setting.

The expected outcomes of this intervention are:

· Enhanced health of older people in care

· Staff oif care settings enabled to lead Health Enhancing Physical Activity (HEPA) Sessions for older people with varied levels of ability on a regular basis

· Increased awareness of social, psychological and physical benefits of physical activity for older people of all ages and abilities

· Opportunities for those promoting physical activity in care settings to network with peers

Participants do not need to have any background or formal experience in leading physical activities but they must be working in a care setting. Also, their employer must commit to enabling them to lead physical activity back in their own care setting following participation in CarePALs. The HSE is funding these workshops so there will be no charge to participants. Refreshments and a light lunch will be provided. Casual leisurewear and appropriate footwear should be worn.

Participants must be available to attend both day long workshops in full. For further information contact

Physical Literacy
Physical literacy is defined as “the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life”

Physical literacy is the foundation for lifelong involvement in physical activity according to The Lifelong Involvement in Sport & Physical Activity (LISPA) model

Read more about the LISPA Model

Physical Literacy Module
Sport Ireland Coaching has developed a course to give participants the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of physical literacy

This module is an interactive 2 hour workshop which will enable participants to:

Outline the origins, definition, elements, relationship between the elements and importance of physical literacy
Explain whether individuals can be described as ‘physically literate’ and whether physical literacy can be assessed
Our next Physical Literacy Workshop will take place via Zoom on: 24th November 2020 at 6.30pm. The cost is €5 . Register Here

Coaching Children
All too often programs offered to children in sport are scaled down versions of adult activity without regard for the different needs of children. Children want different things from their sport participation and require different approaches given their stage of development both physically and mentally. The Coaching Children Programs aims to equip coaches with specific knowledge, skills and competencies to cater for the needs of children. Creating good coaching children practices at an early stage will result in a higher proportion of children gaining both movement skills and love of activity that we hope will remain with them in to their teenage and adult years.

For full details / syllabus on the coaching children workshops, please go to the Sport Ireland Website.

To book a Coaching Children course with Clare LSP, please see below.

****New dates to be announced Soon****

Below are some ideas for games that you can use when you are coaching children. Just click on them to bring you to their link.

Top Gear – Agility

Compasss – Balance

Wall Rebound – Coordination

Team Tag – Coordination, Agility and Speed

Balance Battles – Dynamic Balance and Coordination

Mirror – Balance and Coordination

Dishes and Domes – Balance, Coordination, Agility and Speed

Crocs in the River – Coordination and Agility

Run of Doom – Coordination, Agility and Speed

Shark Attack – Balance, Coordination, Agility and Speed

Shoot the Duck – Balance, Coordination and Agility

Wheel Barrow – Dynamic Balance, Coordination, Agility and Speed.

Our Latest Education and Training News and Offerings

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