Who are these guidelines for?  Those who are organising or hosting activity events in the outdoors.


These guidelines have been developed for Comhairle na Tuaithe in consultation with Fáilte Ireland, Department of Rural and Community Development, Coillte, Sport Ireland, National Parks and Wildlife Service, Mountaineering Ireland, OPW, Local Authorities, Leave No Trace Ireland, Irish Uplands Forum, Irish Farmers Association, The Heritage Council and Ireland’s Association for Adventure Tourism.


The guidelines are for use by any individual, community group or event organiser that is involved in the planning and implementation of outdoor activity events in Ireland.


The purpose of these guidelines is to provide a helpful roadmap to organising a successful and responsible outdoor activity event in Ireland’s countryside – whether that be in the mountains, forests, inland waterways, coast, beach or sea.


There is a continued growth in the number of outdoor activity events taking place across Ireland. These guidelines should encourage this activity while ensuring that we continue to be mindful of any impact on the environment and local community.


You can download these guidelines here: Fáilte Ireland Outdoor Events Guidelines

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