TY Youth Leadership

Our Next Generation Youth Leadership programme in conjunction with Blue Vista is back! This TY programme involves Andy Burke (leadership and high-performance coach) delivering leadership workshops, and our Sport Inclusion Development Officer James, delivering...

TY BadminTeen

We are delighted to partner with Badminton Ireland to deliver a pilot TY programme, called BadminTeen. This programme sees participating students gain a badminton coaching qualification, through several theory and practical workshops along with coaching the 1st years...

TY Sportshall Athletics

We want to expand our very successful primary level programme, by continuing it into post-primary schools in Clare, focusing on  TYs, 1st and 2nd year pupils. The FREE 6-week programme ocuses on athletic skills & physical activity in a safe and enjoyable way,...

Rowing Success for Clare Schools

Having completed our very successful Get Going Get Rowing programme, in conjunction with Rowing Ireland, three post primary schools became the first ever Clare schools to enter into the Munster School’s Indoor Rowing competition. St. Anne’s Community...

TY Tug of War Competition

We were delighted to be involved with Tug of War Ireland in organising the first ever Clare School’s TY Tug of War competition! We had a fantastic day at Saint Anne’s Community College in Killaloe on Monday May 23rd. The competition involved over 50 TY...

ROSE Youth Trip to France

As a culmination of 18 months of work on the R.O.S.E. project, our team of coaches and eight young people travelled to France to participate in a Youth Rowing and Cultural Week April 4th – 9th. We joined other athletes and coaches from both Portugal and France....